To insert an ad, simply register as a member, then you'll have access to your "My account" wich will propose you various functions as "Buy ads". You can then insert an ad.

Simplicity and efficiency!

3 formulas are proposed to you: occasional salesman, average or confirmed.

You will find the link at the top of our first, in the line "About - Advertise on ArtaPlaza - contact - Blog", under our logo.

There are no hidden fees, become a member and order your ad pack or subscription plan.

When your ad runs out, you can extend it for an equivalent period.

Our goal is to remain the most attractive service on the market with a high quality of presentation and distribution, far from the big names in the industry who really tend to exaggerate prices.

Stéphane & Olivier


Ads distribution

After encoding your ad, we must analyze and validate it. Your reference image must then be clipped and optimized before being repositioned on a uniform background. A delay of 12 to 24 hours is therefore necessary before its publication.