Alphonse CREPIN (1931-2010): "Namur - place Maurice Servais".


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CREPIN Alphonse
1931 - 2010


20th century - 1960 to 1980

40cm x 30cm x cm
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Graphic, Oil on canvas

Namur Belgium

Alphonse CRÉPIN Painter - "Painter of Namur" Former Secretary General of the European Academy of Arts Palme d'Or for Fine Arts and 1st International Grand Prix-Monaco 1973 Vermeil Medal and Grand Prix of the European Academy of Arts ( Spain) International Gold Medal for Literature from the European Academy of Arts (Switzerland) Gold Medal for Literature from the A.E.A. (Spain) Gold medal of the Academy of Human Sciences and Relations of the Dominican Republic Gold medal of the Order of French Courtesy Gold medal of French Merit and Dedication Europe Medal 1989 Medal of Honorary European Order of Merit 1995 (A.C.O.E.M.) Member of the Honorary Council of the Institute of International Affairs Member of the World Organization of the Periodical Press Laureate of Belgian Labor (Periodical Press)

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